Wonder Valley envisions to be a school without fear of failure nor punishment, a place where children are not afraid to be what they are, to ask what they are curious about, and to say they don't understand.  In this freedom to be, children are nurtured and inspired by caring teachers to discover their hidden talents and go beyond limitations within themselves. In such a place, children will find their potential to become creative, compassionate and responsible members of society. 



The underlying concern of our educational thinking is that there is a crisis in the world, at all levels; social, political, cultural, religious, and environmental. Human beings, with their desires and fears have largely contributed to the exacerbation of the crisis despite unprecedented medical and scientific progress. 

Therefore, any attempt to tackle the world’s problems must also begin with the understanding of the underlying nature of human desires and fears.

Wonder Valley believes that education will be impactful only if it can with equal emphasis, facilitate the exploration and inquiry into the two dimensions of human life – the outer and the inner.



The Outer World:

  • It is the every world with human struggles, survival issues and all relationships between humans and between humans and the world at large.
  • It is to do with the enhancement of one’s physical and intellectual capability; accumulation of knowledge, acquisition of skills and talents; the exploration of one’s constitution in the light of multiple intelligence.
  • It is nurture, respect and appreciation for all that which makes this planet a living miracle.

The Inner World:

  • It is the world behind and beyond the reach of our senses
  • It is the internal wiring of thoughts, emotions, opinions, choices and conditionings that constitute our daily lives and which governs the way we think and do things
  • It is to do with the ‘I’, the ‘me’ and ‘you’

Wonder Valley envisions to be more than just a school in the traditional sense. It seeks to be the space, the environment free of fear and authority, in which students, teachers and also parents come together in the spirit of open-minded inquiry and affection to learn about ourselves, to see our limitations in all aspects of life and to go beyond it and to grow to our fullest potential.