Our Team

Soonya Sornprasit

Co-founder and Early Childhood Teacher
Originally Thai, Soonya spent her childhood years predominantly outside the country. After studying at Jiddu Krishnamurti holistic schools in India for almost 10 years, she moved to England for further studies. She has a BA in International Relations from England and a MSc in Development Studies from Sweden. Prior to starting Wonder Valley, Soonya worked for a German political foundation and later as a business news reporter for the Bangkok Post. It took over 20 years of many educational initiatives first started by her mother at Suan Sai Nam, a Krishnamurti Retreat in southern Thailand to finally arrive with the idea for Wonder Valley. Soonya believes that “true” education is the fundamental and most sustainable endeavor to bring about happy human beings attuned with who they really are. And it is such people who will readily contribute their full potential for the betterment of humanity. Soonya is married and has a daughter, Kamin who also studies at Wonder Valley.

Mrs. Sunanta Khiawhom

School Director
From experience as a teacher and school leader or director more than 30 years. It is considered an important opportunity and mission in pushing the various work of the school to be successful. The important aspect that I adhere to is being a leader with a positive attitude can help support and create learning innovation which the most important thing is building good relationships between school, parents and community that make it a good environment conducive to learning of students in which everyone participates in education, or it can be called a school that creates happiness. For everyone who come to learn together. Actually it is truly a valuable source of learning. Please come and be a part of our school.

Aom Apinya Kaenwongkam

Early Childhood Educator
Apinya has an open heart. Being and learning with children makes her happy. She believes that love is the most important tool for both the children and herself to overcome various forms of changes in life. She has been working with children since 2011, after graduating with a degree in education from Burapa University. With a strong motivation and passion in working in social work and working with children, along with a wide range of skills including art, music, classroom management for different age and other relevant trainings she received (such as crisis management), led her to work with people from all around the world. Nowadays, Apinya is one of the educators of Wonder Valley, which situated hundreds of kilometres away from her hometown in the Mae Khong region. She decided to settle her energised spirit in the valley for love to be close to the nature. She also believes that this community will nurture not only the children to find their own paths of growth here, but so is she.

Our Mentor

Mr.Pichai Srisai

Director, Songkhla Community Foundation

Mr.Pramote Juthaporn

Retired academic and electrical engineer.

Associate Professor Dr.Soree Pokaeo

Former lecturer in Counselling at Chulalongkorn University

Assistant Professor Amporn Sornprasit

Assistant Professor of Science Faculty, PSU

Dr. Nirand Wichsethsamit

Specialised Doctor in Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine in Community's Mental Health and Director of Mayo Hospital, Pattani

Dr. Woralak Chookamnerd

Licensee of Woraphat Nursery and Educational Innovator